25 July 2007

Upon the Miles of Silence...

*pierangelo and I in Roma a year ago.....

Ok so I know that long distance relationships don't work, well especially those involving an ocean. My ex boyfriend (Pierangelo) was from lecce and even though we talked everyday on the phone--it just didn't work. I just don't like the fact that he never wanted to talk or still be friends afterward but maybe it was better that way. Then I met a gorgeous bo my Francesco who was really sweet and one of the nicest most sensitive guys I ever met. But one day when he told me "credo che io e te nn saremmo mai insieme" That basically we would never really be together--i decided it was over and that I didn't want him to come see me this summer. Well then I met Federico--he was completely different than any of the other guys I'd ever met...he was studying in England and spoke perfect english. He had lived in California for a few years and now lived in Siena. When he went back to Siena we couldn't talk as much because he didn't have a computer at home. So we we would write text messages and send messages online but little by litte we got more and more distant. ... so with all that I Truely learned that long distance relationships on the computer don't work. BUT i do believe you can be interested in someone you me on the computer but it wont work if you only talk on the computer going months without seeing them. Somehow i feel ok about all this....


Anonymous said...

Don't worry! you will find Mr. Right someday soon... it happens when you least expect it... in my case, it was under my nose the whole time....it was my best friend Nicola! (now my fidanzato).


newyorkissima said...

I agree with you!

But don't lose hope.. I'm sure you'll find the most awesome guy ever because you're awesome yourself. :)

Good luck with everything and be careful with Italian men! lol